编号 原文(翻译校对)
To suddenly perform a particular action. My mother was fine this morning, but she broke out with tears at the funeral.

背景说明:英语成语break out with (something) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:45字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/9/18 22:08:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To crash into something and fall apart or shatter. This phrase is typically used to describe waves.

背景说明:英语成语break over (something) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:29字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/9/18 22:08:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
1. To conscript one into military service. A noun or pronoun can be used between "draft" and "into."

背景说明:英语成语draft into (something) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:32字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/7/7 18:23:00

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To experience visible skin irritation. I had to go to the emergency room because the medication I'd been prescribed caused me to break out in a rash and have trouble breathing.

背景说明:英语成语break out in a rash 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:60字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/7/7 18:23:00

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To act more cautiously than one did before.

背景说明:英语成语draw in (sbs) horns 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:34字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/7/6 7:34:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
1. Literally, to pull in the reins of a bridled animal, especially a horse, to slow it down or bring it to a stop.

背景说明:英语成语draw in the reins 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:41字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/7/6 7:34:00

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To be the first to gain an advantage or score against an opponent.

背景说明:英语成语draw first blood 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:28字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/3/19 16:34:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To decide something by picking an item, often a slip of paper, from others at random.

背景说明:英语成语draw for (something) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:34字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/3/19 16:34:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To attract or distract an attack in an attempt to prevent the target from harm. This phrase can be used literally to refer to gunfire. The mother goose drew fire away from her goslings by charging at...

背景说明:英语成语draw fire away from (someone or something) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:60字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/3/10 8:14:00

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编号 原文(文本翻译)
机器翻译原文:Graciela Mier y Enrique Varela==>机器翻译译文:格雷西拉·米尔和恩里克·瓦雷拉. 请帮忙校对,或给出更佳翻译!


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:45字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/1/26 21:30:00

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编号 原文(文本翻译)
机器翻译原文:北京饺子==>机器翻译译文:Beijing dumpling . 请帮忙校对,或给出更佳翻译!


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:34字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2021/1/21 21:15:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To disparage someone publicly, especially to the detriment of their reputation. Don't drag my name through the mud—you're the one who messed up the budget!

背景说明:英语成语drag (sbs) name through the mud 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:50字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/30 8:35:00

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An achievement or reward, or the opportunity to earn it.

背景说明:英语成语the brass ring 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:33字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/23 21:47:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To disparage someone publicly, especially to the detriment of his or her reputation. Don't drag my name through the mire—you're the one who messed up the budget!

背景说明:英语成语drag (sbs) name through the mire 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:52字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/23 21:47:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To move slowly and reluctantly because one does not want to do something.

背景说明:英语成语drag (sbs) heels 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:35字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/16 17:48:00

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编号 原文(文本翻译)
机器翻译原文:The decision in Europe to unify the management of air traffic via the formation of the Single European Sky initiative represented a step forward in the direction of removing the outdated notion...


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:43字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/15 15:32:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To compose or prepare a document, proposal, or strategy. A noun or pronoun can be used between "draft" and "up." You draft it up and then give it to me for approval.

背景说明:英语成语draft up 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:47字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/15 10:41:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
draft beer; beer.

背景说明:英语成语drafty 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:11字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/12/15 10:41:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
To extend an offer or gesture of peace, reconciliation, truce, etc. (to someone), so as to end a disagreement or dispute. (Can also be formulated as "offer someone the olive branch.") If you find you...

背景说明:英语成语offer the olive branch (to someone) 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:104字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/11/16 8:39:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
3.To act with courageous self-confidence, especially in an audacious, impudent, or shameless manner. Primarily heard in UK.

背景说明:英语成语brass neck 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:45字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/11/16 8:39:00

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