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CAUGHT-ON-TAPE: Dems on @BillClinton's Impeachment! Retweet!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @275941,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:33字

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提交时间:2020/1/20 13:37:00

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机器翻译原文:五看一听==>机器翻译译文:Five look at it.. 请帮忙校对,或给出更佳翻译!


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:34字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2020/1/19 15:32:00

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“It is our children and grandchildren who will have to live with the consequences of what we do, or fail to do, today,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in her New Year's address

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @269057,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

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提交时间:2019/12/31 7:46:00

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Just finished the depo of OMB staffer, Mark Sandy, in Schiff’s Capitol basement bunker. He came in to testify about why there was a hold on aid to Ukraine. His answer was very bad for Schiff’s fairy t...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @248155,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:50字

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提交时间:2019/11/17 22:16:00

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“Nancy Pelosi cares more about power than she does about principle. She did not want to go down this road. She realizes this is a huge loser for Democrats. The Founders envisioned the worst people bei...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @245921,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:47字

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提交时间:2019/11/13 21:46:00

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“Millions of Americans will see what a partisan sham this whole thing is.” Rush Limbaugh @foxandfriends Also, why is corrupt politician Schiff allowed to hand over cross examination to a high priced ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @245881,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:45字

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提交时间:2019/11/13 20:46:00

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Thank you to Kurt Volker, U.S. Envoy to Ukraine, who said in his Congressional Testimony, just released, “You asked what conversations did I have about that quid pro quo, et cetra. NONE, because I did...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @242919,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:44字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/11/6 22:16:00

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“Based on the things I’ve seen, the Democrats have no case, or a weak case, at best. I don’t think there are, or will be, well founded articles of Impeachment here.” Robert Wray, respected former pros...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @242897,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:45字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/11/6 21:16:00

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ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is believed to have been killed in a raid conducted by the US military in northwest Syria on Saturday, two sources tell CNN.

背景说明:Latest news headline of CNN @238745,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:39字

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提交时间:2019/10/27 13:45:00

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机器翻译原文:Resistance narratives: fromlollipop protests to Drumcree==>机器翻译译文:从棒棒糖抗议到德鲁姆克雷的反抗叙事. 请帮忙校对,或给出更佳翻译!


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:7字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/24 18:07:00

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In the months leading up to Trump's July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian President, multiple people associated with Trump were engaged in efforts to change leadership at Naftogaz, Ukraine's geopoliti...

背景说明:Latest news headline of CNN @234109,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:36字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/18 5:16:00

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Minority workers in the retail and food service industries are 10% to 20% more likely than white workers to report canceled shifts, on-call shifts and "clopenings" -- shifts separated by fewer than 11...

背景说明:Latest news headline of CNN @233812,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:36字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/17 22:15:00

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“Bob Mueller was pursuing the FBI Director job when he met with President Trump in 2017, Administration officials say.” @FoxNews Bret Baier and Jake Gibson @seanhannity This is true even though Muell...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @226739,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:32字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/9 11:16:00

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Michel Mayor, Didier Queloz and James Peebles have been awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in physics for "contributions to our understanding of the evolution of the universe and earth’s place in the cosmos...

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @225938,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:32字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/8 20:47:00

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"It's really hard to see under the current domestic U.S. political environment that there are any parties that are going to look to put concessions on the table," says International Capital Strategies...

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @225456,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:34字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/7 19:16:00

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JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon once said he wasn't sure if Elizabeth Warren fully understood the global banking system.

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @225303,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:37字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/7 14:16:00

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Beautiful evening in Fayetteville tonight! Big day in North Carolina tomorrow. Make sure you get out and VOTE for Dan Bishop in and Greg Murphy in

背景说明:latest trump twitter @203849,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:25字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/9/10 9:47:00

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Great news that an activist investor is now involved with AT&T. As the owner of VERY LOW RATINGS @CNN, perhaps they will now put a stop to all of the Fake News emanating from its non-credible “anchors...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @203416,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:49字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/9/10 7:17:00

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机器翻译原文:首批获得留学生和港澳台学生招生资格的院校==>机器翻译译文:The first batch of institutions that have received admission qualifications for international students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 请帮忙校对,或给出更佳翻译...


奖励:10译点 |中文 ->中文 -> 英文 | 字数:22字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/9/7 11:18:00

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Just talked to Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina as Hurricane Dorian ominously comes up the East Coast. We are monitoring it at the @WhiteHouse, ready to assist via our great team over at @FEMA, w...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @202917,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:48字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/9/6 12:20:00

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