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提交时间:2008/11/10 10:15:00

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To determine maturity of performance testing in your company, find out why a test might be considered fot a project today

背景说明:参考译文: 如何确定一家公司性能测试的成熟度呢?想想为什么将测试当作一个项目来看就知道。对不可预知的问题,测试是否采取了应付的措施?是不是常常违反生产服务的规章制度,而没有找到根源?是不是实施只是马后炮,直到某个具有管理水平的人开始抱怨? To determine maturity of performance testing in your company, find out why a test might be considered fot a project today. Is testing implemented as a reactive measure to an unexpected problem? Are production service level agreements constantly in jeopardy of being broken with no known root cause? Is performance an afterthought until someone at the right management level starts complaining?

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提交时间:2008/11/10 9:15:00

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Over time, the oil industry and our business have evolved dramatically and we fully expect this evolution to continue going forward.


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提交时间:2008/11/10 8:20:00

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提交时间:2008/11/9 18:40:00

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MZX has a long history of service and commitment to the shoe industry; our philosophy will continue to remain unchanged with the incorporation of our China office under the MZX umbrella.


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提交时间:2008/11/9 8:27:00

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We fully recognize that our clients have a choice of where they place their business and we believe these principles have been key to retaining their support.


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提交时间:2008/11/8 23:01:00

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提交时间:2008/11/8 19:41:00

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提交时间:2008/11/8 15:14:00

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提交时间:2008/11/8 14:18:00

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Attached is the polybag warning label. Please print it directly on the polybag but NOT next to our logo clear label.


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提交时间:2008/11/8 14:02:00

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Company YYY, was formed on 8 August 2008 with the merger between Company AAA and Company BBB to better serve our clients in the East.


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提交时间:2008/11/8 13:38:00

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A center of excellence hinges on the right product to support the methodology

背景说明:参考译文: 卓越中心用正确的产品支持这种方法理论。市场上没有其他产品能够像惠普的性能中心那样,保持与企业的COE相一致。不是在单独的机器上使用多个控制器, 惠普性能中心用基于浏览器的方案,保证可以随时随地的访问。性能中心包括了LoadRunner中所有这些功能。这样就有灵活性,使有HP产品使用经验的性能测试工程师容易上手。其他管理层要保证有产品使用权限的用户可以使用产品, 能够像其他生产系统一样去操作。 A center of excellence hinges on the right product to support the methodology. No other product on the market is aligned for use in an Enterprise-wide COE as HP’s Performance Centre. Instead of using multiple Controllers on separate machines, it uses a browser based solution to provide access anywhere, anytime, All of the features within LoadRunner are available with performance Center, making it flexible and familiar to performance engineers who have used HP’s in the past. Additional administration and management ensure that all users get the appropriate level of access to the product, providing the abity to operate it like any othr production eady system.

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提交时间:2008/11/8 11:42:00

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提交时间:2008/11/8 10:24:00

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AGAINST the ear-piercing screech of the global economy hitting the brakes, what sounded like a piece of good news could still be heard this week. China’s Communist Party unveiled its plan to double,


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提交时间:2008/11/8 10:12:00

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As it looks ahead, the government believes the future holds great promise for those with the vision and ability to rapidly adapt to a continuously changing environment.


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提交时间:2008/11/8 8:57:00

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提交时间:2008/11/7 14:46:00

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You can view this newsletter and some ofour past newsletters online at:


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提交时间:2008/11/7 12:27:00

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Security does not want to be told that access levels have to be accommodated

背景说明:参考译文: 当性能测试从”品质保护小组”成为组织的推动力时,也会有回退的自然趋势。许多部门并不知道受到影响的原因,第一反应就是抵抗。开发小组不可能长期接触不到项目。谁来负责为测试准备测试时需要用到的成千上万个用户帐号呢? When performance testing becomes an organizational push from Quality Assurance organizations, there is a natural tendency to push back. Many departments do not understand how they are affected by this change, so the immediate reaction is to resist. Security does not want to be told that access levels have to be accommodated. Development teams do not want to be locked out of a system for long periods of time. And just exactly who is the person responsible for creating thousands of test users accounts in preparation for a test?

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提交时间:2008/11/7 11:27:00

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请提供AI图档给我,你提供的JPG图档不能印刷。 另:请提供印在信封上图档的正确认尺寸,现提供的尺寸是1.9cmx2.54cn


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提交时间:2008/11/6 17:09:00

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because they can scare some companies away from proper test methodology

背景说明:参考译文: 随着性能测试在公司的全面开展,还要面临新的挑战。我们称它为“角落里的怪兽”,因为他们“吓得”一些公司无法使用正确的测试方法。一个怪兽可能是测试阶段在访问监控系统上带来的安全上的问题。也可能是文书方面的工作,一大摞需要填写和签署的表单,这极大地延长了测试的时间。还有可能得不到各个小组的支持,帮助定位和突破某个瓶颈。 There are the new challenges that are revealed once enterprise-wide performance testing begins. We refer to there challenges as “the monsters in the corner” because they can scare some companies away from proper test methodology. A monster might be security concerns because of access needed to monitor systems during the testing period. It could be a maze of forms and paperwork that needs to be filled out an approved, drastically lengthening test engagements. It may be that there is no support from various groups to help determine and fix specific bottlenecks.

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提交时间:2008/11/6 11:19:00

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