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“I don’t know what it’s going to take. A lot of Democratic run cities all over America look like this, it’s not just Baltimore, unfortunately.” Kimberly Klacik, Baltimore journalist Remember, Vote fo...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183616,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

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提交时间:2019/7/30 11:15:00

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Baltimore’s numbers are the worst in the United States on Crime and the Economy. Billions of dollars have been pumped in over the years, but to no avail. The money was stolen or wasted. Ask Elijah Cum...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183587,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:47字

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提交时间:2019/7/30 10:27:00

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Elijah Cummings never even went to the Southern Border and then he screams at the very good people who, despite Congresses failure to fix the Loopholes and Asylum, make it work (crossings are way down...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183588,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:48字

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提交时间:2019/7/30 10:15:00

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Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith is doing a GREAT JOB for the people of Mississippi and fully supports our Agenda. Cindy is tough on Crime, Strong on the Border and Illegal Immigratio She loves our Military ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183518,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:29字

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提交时间:2019/7/30 7:16:00

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The Fed “raised” way too early and way too much. Their quantitative tightening was another big mistake. While our Country is doing very well, the potential wealth creation that was missed, especially ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183251,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:43字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 21:45:00

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Crazy Bernie Sanders recently equated the City of Baltimore to a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY! Based on that statement, I assume that Bernie must now be labeled a Racist, just as a Republican would if he used ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183253,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:48字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 21:35:00

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Al Sharpton would always ask me to go to his events. He would say, “it’s a personal favor to me.” Seldom, but sometimes, I would go. It was fine. He came to my office in T.T. during the presidential c...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183235,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:54字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 20:45:00

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If the Democrats are going to defend the Radical Left “Squad” and King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail, it will be a long road to 2020. The good news for the Dems is that they have the Fake News Media in thei...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183218,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:40字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 19:45:00

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Message to the house democrats: time to legislate not investigate. The only investigations that should be going on right now are by:

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183198,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:25字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 18:45:00

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Law Enforcement is at the scene of shootings in Gilroy, California. Reports are that shooter has not yet been apprehended. Be careful and safe!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183120,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:23字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 12:15:00

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“If the Democrats would have closed the Loopholes two years ago when President Trump asked them to do so, none of this stuff would have happened.” @ThomasHomanICE

背景说明:latest trump twitter @183090,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:25字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 10:15:00

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If racist Elijah Cummings would focus more of his energy on helping the good people of his district, and Baltimore itself, perhaps progress could be made in fixing the mess that he has helped to creat...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @182986,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:47字

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提交时间:2019/7/29 4:15:00

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Today, President Trump announced a safe third country agreement with Guatemala that will put human smugglers out of business and provide safety for legitimate asylum seekers.

背景说明:latest trump twitter @182274,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:25字

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提交时间:2019/7/27 6:16:00

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The WTO is BROKEN when the world’s RICHEST countries claim to be developing countries to avoid WTO rules and get special treatment. NO more!!! Today I directed the U.S. Trade Representative to take ac...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @182178,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:46字

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提交时间:2019/7/27 3:16:00

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France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @182092,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:44字

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提交时间:2019/7/27 1:16:00

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Under pressure from President Trump, Mexico is cracking down on migrants from Guatemala. On this week's with @MyStephanomics, @EMPosts visited Mexico's southern border to see how this has impacted th...

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @182013,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:38字

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提交时间:2019/7/27 0:17:00

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Apple will not be given Tariff waiver, or relief, for Mac Pro parts that are made in China. Make them in the USA, no Tariffs!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @182019,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:24字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/27 0:16:00

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.@FoxNews is at it again. So different from what they used to be during the 2016 Primaries, & before - Proud Warriors! Now new Fox Polls, which have always been terrible to me (they had me losing BIG ...

背景说明:latest trump twitter @181967,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:48字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/26 23:16:00

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“Taken for Granted,” a wonderful new book by Gianno Caldwell on how Conservatism can win back the Americans that Liberalism failed, has my full Endorsement!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @181847,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:24字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/26 20:16:00

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Home prices in Singapore are on the rise again just one year after the government introduced curbs to cool the market

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @181609,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:20字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/26 10:46:00

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