I think it’s really quite pathetic actually, but at least they are not doing something harmful and being paid for it, like being a gangster or a smuggler.
理解的关键在于they are not doing something harmful and being paid for it. And 连接两个并列的现在进行时动作,正确理解应该是“他们并非doing something harmful and being paid for it,像行凶或者 走私一样doing something harmful and being paid for it”。翻译1 说“他们拿了钱”不恰当,翻译2 说“他们......买单”与they…. being paid for it (别人付钱给他们)相反,翻译3 理解方向比较好,但“索取财物”在原文没有体现,翻译4,不是“他们可怜”,”他们也没有承担罪责”