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3.1 针单元 主护套、针、针座(见图1) 3.2 硬包装 针单元,包括一个硬性的对接护套和一个硬性的穿刺端护套,形成一个密闭完整的单元(见图1)0 3.3 软包装 针单元,包含一个预先制成的带有撕开封面的塑料托盘,在此包装内牙科针穿刺端由硬性护套保护。 注:对接端护套可有可无 3.4 主保护套 针的保护包装:硬包装或软包装。 3.5 辅助保护套 主保护套被包装在里面的保护套。 4 产品标记 牙科针标记以针座型式、针管的外径、长度和刃角角度表示。针座的型式以螺纹针座L,G(公制内螺纹针座)和W(惠氏内螺纹针座)表示。外径和针管长度以“mm”为单位。以LB(长斜面角)或SB(短斜面角)表示针尖斜面型式 标记示例:0.4mmX40mm 注 :针座型式和针尖刃 口角度可在包装上标记 5 材料 制造牙科针针管材料应符合GB18457的规定。 6.物理要求 6.1 色标 牙科针应以针座和/或护套(穿刺或对接端护套)的颜色作为针管公称外径的标志。其颜色应符合YY/T0296的要求。 6.2 连接牢固度 牙科针针管与针座连接处施加速率为1mm/s的22N的轴向拉力,两者不得断开或松动。 6.3 针孔畅通性 内腔畅通性应如下之一: 选用如表1中相应的探针,应能自由通过或在不大于100kPa的压力下,流量应不小于相同外径和长度及依照GB18457中规定的最小内径的针管,在相同压力下测试的流量应不少于80 。附录B给出了流量试验装置示意图。
完成本项翻译奖励:100译点 | 中文->英文 | 字数:字/词 | 阅读数: 3543

提交时间:2008/1/6 17:06:00



3.1 Needle Unit The main needle sheath, the needle and the needle base. (see figure 1) 3.2 Rigid Packaging A needle unit together with a rigid needle sheath with butt joints and a rigid needle sheath for the puncture head, form a confined and integrated unit. (see figure 1) 0 3.3 Flexible Packaging A needle unit together with a ready-made plastic tray with a tear-off cover, in which contains a dental injection needle whose puncture head is protected by a rigid needle sheath. Note: The needle sheath with butt joints is dispensable. 3.4 Main Needle Sheath The Needle Protective Packaging: rigid packaging or flexible packaging 3.5 Auxiliary Sheath The main needle sheath was packed inside the auxiliary sheath. 4 Product Marks The mark of the dental injection needle is denoted by the needle base type, the outside diameter, the length of the needle tube and the angle of the blade angle. The type of the needle base is denoted by screw thread needle base L, G(metric internal screw thread needle base) and W(Wyeth internal screw thread needle base). The outside diameter and the length of the needle tube are in "mm". The type of the needle head bevel is denoted by LB (long bevel angle) or SB (short bevel angle). Mark Example: 0.4 mmX40mm Note: The needle base type and the tip blade angle of the needle head can be marked on the packaging. 5 Material The manufacturing material of the dental needle tube shall be consistent with the provisions of GB18457. 6. Physical Requirements 6.1 Colored Marks The mark of the nominal outside diameter of the needle shall be the same color as that of the needle base and/or the sheath (needle sheath for the puncture head or needle sheath with butt joints). And the color shall be consistent with the requirements of YY/T0296. 6.2 Connection Firmness When 22 N axial tension at the rate of 1 mm / s is imposed on the connection point between the dental needle and the needle base, the two parts shall not be loose or disconnected. 6.3 The Smoothness of the Needle-hole Flow The smoothness of the inner needle-hole flow should be one of the following: A corresponding probe selected as one in table 1 shall get through freely or, under the pressure not greater than 100kPs, the flow rate shall not less than that of a needle tube of the smallest inside diameter with the same outside diameter and length consistent with the provisions of GB18457 and, under the same pressure, the tested flow rate shall not be less than 80. An illustration of a flow testing setup is shown in Appendix B.





2008/1/9 16:29:00


3.1 Needle Unit The main needle shield, the needle and the needle base. (see figure 1) 3.2 Rigid Packaging A needle unit together with a rigid needle shield with butt joints and a rigid needle shield for the puncture head, form a confined and integrited unit. (see figure 1) 0 3.3 Flexible Packaging A needle unit together with a ready-made plastic tray with a tear-off cover, in which contains a dental injection needle whose puncture head is protected by a rigid needle shield. Note: The needle shield with butt joints is dispensable. 3.4 Main Needle Shield The Needle Protective Packaging: rigid packaging or flexible packaging 3.5 Auxiliary Shield The main needle shield was packed inside the auxiliary shield. 4 Product Marks The mark of the dental injection needle is denoted by the needle base type, theoutside diameter, the length of the needle tube and the angle of the blade angle. The type of the needle base is denoted by screw thread needle base L, G(metric internal screw thread needle base) and W(Wyeth internal screw thread needle base). The outside diameter and the length of the needle tube are in "mm". The type of the needle head bevel is denoted by LB (long bevel angle) or SB (short bevel angle). Mark Example: 0.4 mmX40mm Note: The needle base type and the tip blade angle of the needle head can be marked on the packaging. 5 Material The manufacturing material of the dental needle tube shall be consistent with the provisions of GB18457. 6. Physical Requirements 6.1 Colored Marks The mark of the nominal outside diameter of the needle shall be the same color as that of the needle base and/or the shield (needle shield for the puncture head or needle shield with butt joints). And the color shall be consistent with the requirements of YY/T0296. 6.2 Connection Firmness When 22 N axial tension at the rate of 1 mm / s is imposed on the connection point between the dental needle and the needle base, the two parts shall not be loose or disconnected. 6.3 The Smoothness of the Needle-hole Flow The smoothness of the inner needle-hole flow should be one of the following: A corresponding probe selected as one in table 1 shall get through freely or, under the pressure not greater than 100kPs, the flow rate shall not less than that of a needle tube of the smallest inside diameter with the same outside diameter and length consistent with the provisions of GB18457 and, under the same pressure, the tested flow rate shall not be less than 80. An illustration of a flow testing setup is shown in Appendix B.





2008/1/6 20:52:00



2008/1/10 12:05:00

这是我2008年1月5号提交的翻译已被用户采纳,当时护套一词用的是shield后又改为sheath. 不明其意,请站长指点。http://www.chinafanyi.com/onlinetra/olt_pub_show_single.asp?id=4024 http://www.chinafanyi.com/onlinetra/olt_pub_pay_show_single.asp?id=4024 顺便说一句,我对江郎才尽进士,也就是无形子很是敬重!


2008/1/10 12:04:00

这是我2008年1月5号提交的翻译已被用户采纳,当时护套一词用的是shield后又改为sheath. 不明其意,请站长指点http://www.chinafanyi.com/onlinetra/olt_pub_show_single.asp?id=4024 http://www.chinafanyi.com/onlinetra/olt_pub_pay_show_single.asp?id=4024 顺便说一句,我对江郎才尽进士,也就是无形子很是敬重!