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Guangdong is a province on the south coast of the People’s Republic of China,which has an area of 76,100 sq mi (197,100 sq km).
"Guang" itself means "expanse" or "vast", and has been associating with the region from the Western Jin Dynasty onwards. "Guangdong" and neighboring Guangxi literally mean "expanse east" and "expanse west". Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the "Dual-Guangs”.
The modern abbreviation Yue is related to the Hundred Yue, a collective name for various peoples that lived in Guangdong and other areas in ancient times
Geography and climate
Guangdong faces the South China Sea to the south and has a total of 4,300 km of coastline. Leizhou Peninsula is on the southwestern end of the province. There are a few inactive volcanoes on Leizhou Peninsula. The Pearl River Delta is the convergent point of three upstream rivers: the East River, North River, and West River. The river delta is filled with hundreds of small islands. The province is geographically separated from the north by a few mountain ranges collectively called the Southern Mountain Range. The highest point in the province is about 1,600 meters above sea level.
Guangdong borders Fujian province to the northeast, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces to the north, Guangxi autonomous region to the west, and Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions to the south. Hainan province is offshore across from the Leizhou Peninsula.
Guangdong has a humid subtropical climate (tropical in the far south), with short, mild, dry, winters and long, hot, wet summers. Average daily highs in Guangzhou in January and July are 18℃ (64℉) and 33℃(91℉) respectively, although the humidity makes it feel much hotter in summer. Frost is rare on the coast but may happen a few days each winter well inland.
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广东省,面积76,100平方英里(197,100平方公里),是中华人民共和国南部沿海省份.“广”本身含意为“宽阔”或“广大”。从字面上看,“广东”和毗邻的广西分别意为“宽阔的东部”和“宽阔的西部”,因此,人们将广东与广西并称为“两广”。 广东省简称“粤”,这与历史上“百越人”在这里居住有关。在古代,广东省和邻近地区居住了很多越族人,后人统称他们为 “百越人”。 地理与气候 广东省南临南海,海岸线长达4,300 公里。雷州半岛位于广东省西南端,岛上有几处不活跃的火山。珠江三角洲由几百个小岛组成,东江、北江和西江三条河流汇聚于此。从地理位置上来说,南岭把广东省分为南北两部分。全省最高海拔高度为1,600米。 广东省东北与福建相邻,北与江西、湖南交界,西连广西,南临香港和澳门。雷州半岛与海南省隔海相望。 广东属于湿润的亚热带气候(最南部为热带气候),气候资源十分丰富。冬季日照时间短,气候温和干燥;夏季日照时间长,气候炎热、湿润。一月份日平均最高气温为18℃ (64℉),七月份日平均最高气温为33℃(91℉)。可是,夏天湿气散不出去,人们经常感到十分炎热。冬季霜冻很少见,偶尔在内陆出现几天。





2008/1/4 17:24:00


广东省,面积76,100平方英里(197,100平方公里),为中化人民共和国南部沿海省份。 “广”本身含意为“宽阔”或“宽广”,与西金朝之后才与这一地区有关。“广东”和毗邻的广西从字面意思分别为“宽阔的东部”和“宽阔的西部”,因此,人们将广东与广西并称为“两广”。 它现在的简称为粤,与“百越”这个名称有关。“百越”是对中国古代居住在广东省和其附近地区的民族总称。 地理与气候 广东省面朝中国南海,有海岸线4,300公里。雷州半岛位于该省的东南部,岛上有不活跃的火山多处。珠江三角洲是三股河流的汇聚点,它们是:东江、北江和西江。珠江三角洲由几百个小岛组成。从地理位置上说,南岭山脉(由众多山脉组成)将广东省与北方地区分隔开来。全省最高海拔高度1,600米。 广东省东北邻福建,北接江西、湖南,西连广西,南临香港及奥门两个特别行政区;其雷州半岛与海南省隔海相望。 广东属于湿润的亚热带气候(远在南部为热带气候),冬季日照时数短,气候温和、干燥;夏季日照时数长,气候湿润、炎热。在广州一月和七月的日平均最高气温分别为18℃ (64℉)和33℃(91℉),然而在夏天潮湿更令人感到炎热。霜冻很少见,偶尔在冬季内陆出现几天。





2007/12/29 9:11:00
