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Guangdong was far away from the centre of ancient Chinese civilization in the north China plain. It was populated by peoples collectively known as the Hundred Yue, who may have been Tai-Kadai and related to the Zhuang people in modern Guangxi.
Chinese administration in the region began with the Qin Dynasty, which set up Nanhai Commandery at Panyu, near what is now part of Guangzhou. It used to be independent as Nanyue between the fall of Qin and the reign of Emperor Wu of Han. The Han Dynasty administered Guangdong, Guangxi, and northern Vietnam as Jiao Province. Under the Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms, Guangdong was made its own province, the Guang Province, in 226.
As time passed, the demographics of what is now Guangdong slowly shifted to (Han) Chinese-dominance, especially during several periods of massive migration from the north during periods of political turmoil and/or nomadic incursions from the fall of the Han Dynasty onwards. As more migrants arrived, the local population was gradually assimilated to Han Chinese culture, or displaced.
As Mongols from the north engaged in their conquest of China in the 13th century, the Southern Song Dynasty retreated southwards, eventually ending up in today’s Guangdong. The Battle of Yamen (Yashan) 1279 in Guangdong marked the end of the Southern Song Dynasty (960-1279).
Since the sixteenth century, Guangdong has had extensive trade links with the rest of the world. European merchants coming northwards via the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, particularly the Portuguese and British, traded extensively through Guangzhou. It was the opium trade through Guangzhou that triggered the Opium Wars, opening an era of foreign incursion and intervention in China.
During the early 1920s of the Republic of China, Guangdong was the staging area for the Nationalist Party. Japanese forces occupied the province in 1938-1945. The Chinese People’s Liberation army took Guangdong province (not including Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula, etc) on Oct 29, 1949.
In recent years, the province has seen extremely rapid economic growth, aided in part by its close trading links with Hong Kong, which borders it.
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提交时间:2007/12/28 13:38:00



历史上,广东曾远离中国古代文明的中心,相传百越人曾在这里繁衍生息。百越人所讲的话类似现在广西壮族人的语言,它们同属于壮侗语系(Tai-Kadai)。 秦始皇统一中国后,设置南海郡,治所在番禺(今广州)。自秦灭亡一直到汉武帝时期,南越国在这里建立了第一个政权。东汉在此设立交州,管辖两广及越南北部地区。三国时期,吴国统治了这一地区,并于226建立广州。 东汉灭亡之后,中国再次进入分裂割据时期。由于战乱频繁,北方游牧民族趁机南侵,中原民族被迫大规模南迁,广东成为他们的目的地之一。随着大量移民的增加,广东的居民逐渐趋向汉族化,当地的文化也慢慢被汉族文化所同化,甚至在历史舞台上消失。 13世纪,北方的游牧民族蒙古族一路南下,南宋王朝被迫逃亡到今天的广东。1279年,在宋蒙(元) 崖门(崖山)之战战争中,南宋大败,宣告了南宋的灭亡。 从16世纪开始,广东同世界上其他国家的贸易往来就很频繁。欧洲商人,特别是葡萄牙和英国的商人跋山涉水,经过马六甲海峡、南中国海,到达广州进行贸易。其中,由鸦片贸易导致的鸦片战争,开辟了西方列强侵略中国的时代。 上个世纪20年代初,广东是国民党的大本营。抗日战争时期,日军曾占领广东省(1938-1945)。1949年10月29日,中国人民解放军解放了广东省(不包括海南岛和雷州半岛等)。 广东省邻近香港,这一优越的地理位置使得全省经济飞速发展。





2008/1/4 16:35:00


历史 广东省,远离华北平原的古文明中心,曾有“百越”族聚居于此地。这些民族也可称为“台-卡岱”(Tai-Kadai ),主要是指壮侗族;这有可能与现今广西壮族自治区的壮族有着很大的关系。 中国最早在此设置行政区是始于秦朝,当时在现今的广州附近有个叫番禺的地方设立南海郡。在秦灭亡至汉武帝统治期间,南越国曾独立存在过。汉代在今天的广东、广西及越南北部曾设立过统一行政管理区,定名为交州。至三国统治时期,吴国对广东进行独立行使管理权,于公元226年定名为广州(当时吴国将原交州分为交州和广州)。 现今广东的人口历史资料表明:随着岁月的流逝,该地域人口历史是一逐渐趋向以汉族为主的演变过程,特别是在汉朝灭亡以后,在国家政局动荡,或游牧民族的入侵期间出现过几次大规模北方民族南移。随着众多汉族移民的到来,当地民族文化也逐渐被融入到汉民族文化中,有的甚至被汉民族文化所取代。 在十三世纪,来自北方的蒙古族对中国进行征占。南宋朝向南退居,最终在今天的广东省灭亡。公元1279年发生在广东的宋元崖门战役(厓山)标志着南宋王朝(960—1279)的灭亡。 自十六世纪以来,广东与世界各地进行了大规模的贸易往来。欧洲商人,特别是葡萄牙和英国商人,经马六甲海峡(亚洲东南部)和中国的南海,一路北上,在广州进行了全面的商业贸易。其中鸦片贸易最终导致了鸦片战争,从而开避了外国列强入侵中国、干预中国内政的新时代。 在二十世纪二十年代的中华民国,广东成为国民党革命的大本营。抗日战争时期(1938-1945)日本军队攻占广东省;而在1949年10月29日中国人民解放军解放广东省(不包括海南省和雷州半岛)。近年来,加之与香港有着密切的贸易联系,广东省的经济得到了飞速发展。





2007/12/28 23:08:00
