1. mildly vulgar slang,To break or malfunction; to die, fall apart, or cease to work. (A play on the phrase "go belly up." "Tits up" is sometimes hyphenated.) It looks like our co-op might be going tits-up if we aren't granted a license for our communal work premises.
1.轻度粗俗俚语,断裂或故障;死,分崩离析,或停止工作。 (该短语一出戏“肚子里去了。”“奶了”有时断字。)它看起来像我们的合作社有可能要去山雀-了,如果我们不获发牌照为我们共同的工作场所。
Sorry, Mark, I'd love to give you a lift to the airport but my car's gone tits up on me again.