Confidentiality Agreement
甲 方Party A: ***
乙 方Party B:
身份证号 ID:
保密项目Confidential Project: 迪士尼 上海国际旅游度假区公工程
项目组成员 Project Member:
乙方因参与甲方关于 **工程 项目的有关工作,已经(或将要)知悉甲方关于该项目的商业秘密。为了明确乙方的保密义务,甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、公平诚信的原则,依据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》订立本保密协议。
In participation in Party A′s trade on ***Project projects, Party B has been (or will be) aware of Party A′s trade secrets. In order to clarify the confidentiality obligations of Party B, in spirit of equality, voluntariness, fairness and principle of good faith, both parties herein conclude this confidentiality agreement in accordance with People′s Republic of China Labor Law and People′s Republic of China Anti-Unfair Competition Law.
第一条 保密的内容和范围Scope of Confidentiality
Under confirmation from Party A and Party B, Party B should bear the obligation of confidentiality of trade secrets including:
1、技术信息 Technical Information:
Including technical solutions, design requirements, services, implementation, operational processes, technical specifications, software systems, databases, operating environment, operating platforms, test results, drawings, samples, models, manuals, technical documentation, technical secret operations involving correspondence, etc.
2、经营信息 Operating Information:
Including customer name, customer address and contact information, demand information, marketing plans, purchasing information, pricing policies, purchasing channels, marketing strategy, the base price and bidding tenders, team structure, budget, profit and non-disclosure financial information, etc.
3、其他事项 Others:
Party in accordance with the law (for example, by the other party contracting with the project) and related protocols (such as technical contracts, etc.) requires the agreement of the other Party obligation of confidentiality issues.
第二条 乙方的保密义务 Confidentiality Obligations of Party B
As per Business Secret in Item 1, Party B shall undertake the following confidentiality obligations:
1、 主动采取加密措施对上述所列及之商业秘密进行保护,防止不承担同等保密义务的任何第三者知悉及使用;
Take initiative and encryption measures to protect commercial secret listed above, to forbid any information to any third party who is not under the same obligation of confidentiality.
2、 不得刺探或者以其他不正当手段(包括利用计算机进行检索、浏览、复制等)获取与本职工作或本身业务无关的甲方关于该项目的商业秘密;
Shall not spying or through other improper means (including the use of computers to retrieve, view, copy, etc.) to get to their members′ jobs or the Project′s trade secrets unrelated to Party B.
3、 不得向不承担同等保密义务的任何第三人披露甲方关于该项目的商业秘密;
Party B shall not disclose trade secrets of the Project to any third party who does not bear the same obligations of confidentiality.
4、 不得允许(包括出借、赠与、出租、转让等行为)或协助不承担同等保密义务的任何第三人使用甲方关于该项目的商业秘密;
Not allow (including loan, donation, lease, transfer and other acts) or assistant any third parties who does not assume the same obligations of confidentiality regarding utility of the Project′s commercial secrets.
5、 不论因何种原因终止参与甲方关于该项目的工作后,都不得利用该项目之商业秘密为其他与甲方有竞争关系的企业(包括自办企业)服务;
After the termination for whatever reason to work on the Project, Party B shall not to pay the trade secrets of the Project as service towards other party′s business (including their own businesses).