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提交日期:2019/3/14 17:42:00
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Sale & Purchase Agreement of House
The date of signature on
本合约订于This agreement is made on the day of
合约之第一方(以下简称卖方)Party A (hereinafter referred to as The Vendor):
姓名Name: 身份证号码Identity Card Number: 地址Address:
合约之第二方(以下简称买方)Party B (hereinafter referred to as The |
Sale & Purchase Agreement of House
The date of signature on
本合约订于This agreement is made on the day of
合约之第一方(以下简称卖方)Party A (hereinafter referred to as The Vendor):
姓名Name: 身份证号码Identity Card Number: 地址Address:
合约之第二方(以下简称买方)Party B (hereinafter referred to as The Purchaser) :
姓名Name: 身份证号码Identity Card Number: 地址Address:
合约之第三方(以下简称经纪人):Party C (hereinafter referred to as the Agent) :
注册地址:Registered Address:
All three partes agree on the terms and conditions as follow:
1、 买卖双方经协商须以下列条款通过经纪出售及购入位于 (以下简称该物业)之物业。
Both The Vendor and The Purchaser shall sell or buy the house located at (hereinafter refers to as the property)through The Agent according to the following terms and conditions。
该物业建筑面积为 平方米(以房产证面积为准)。
The gross floor area of the property is square meter.
2、该物业之楼价为 币,买方须按下述选择的方式付款(A—C只可选择其中1种)。
Purchase price of the property is RMB and The Purchaser shall pay in the following manner(choose one from A to C) .
(a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金;
RMB shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement;
(b) 币须在签正式买卖合约时付清作为部分楼款,正式买卖合约须于 或之前签妥;
RMB shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal sale&purchase agreement,which shall be signed on or before ;
(c) 币须于买卖完成时由买方付清作为楼价余款,而买卖须在 或之前完成;
RMB shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price when closing the transaction,which shall be singed on or before ;
(a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金;
RMB shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing this agreement;
(b) 币须在签正式贷款合同时付清作为首期余款,正式贷款合同须于 签妥;
RMB shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal mortgage loan agreement,which shall be signed on or before;
(c) 币须于买卖完成并办妥他项权利登记后由贷款银行直接拨入卖方银行帐号作为楼价余款,银行实际贷款额与原贷款额之间差额由买方以现金支付,而买卖须在 完成;
RMB shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank when the transaction is completed and all other formalities of mortgage loan registration settled,The differences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in cash by The Purchaser;
C、转按付款 Submortgage
(a) 币须在签本合约之同时付清作为定金,卖方收款 天内向抵押银行申请转按手续,并协助买方申请银行贷款手续;
RMB shall be paid as initial deposit upon signing of this agreement,within Days after accepting the said deposit The Vendor shall apply for submortgage to the mortgage bank,and shall assist The Purchaser to apply for the mortgage loan;
(b) 币须在签正式买卖合约时付清作为首期余款,正式买卖合约须于 签妥;
RMB shall be paid as partial deposit upon signing formal sale & purchase agreement,which shall be signed on or before ;
(c) 币须于买卖完成并办妥他项权利登记后由贷款银行扣除卖方所欠款项后将余款直接拔入卖方银行帐号作为楼价余款,银行实际贷款额与原贷款额之间差额由买方以现金支付,而买卖须在 完成;
RMB shall be paid as remaining balance of the purchase price by the mortgage bank when the transaction is complete and house encumbrance, deducting vendor′s arrearage. The differences between the actual and the original mortgage loan,if any,shall be paid in cash by The Purchaser;
D、涂销抵押Revocation of mortgage
币须在签妥本合约 天内付清作为定金余款,卖方收款当日须即时向抵押银行申请赎契手续,卖方须在完成赎契、涂销抵押登记及归档等手续 天内签署广州市房地产交易所正式买卖合约,协助买方申请银行贷款手续,卖方完成以上手续不得迟于 ;
RMB shall be paid as partial deposit within days after signing this agreement and The Vendor shall immediately apply for Revocation of mortgage of the Property′s title from the mortgage bank on the same day of accepting the said deposit. The Vendor shall ←signing formal sale& purchase agreement with the Purchaser assist The Purchaser to apply for the mortgage loan within Days after finishing all formalities of redeeming title,discharging mortgage registration and filing,whereas these formalities shall be finished not later than ;
3、税费缴付方式Tax paynet method:
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