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People in most regions of Shanxi speak dialects of Jin, a subdivision of spoken Chinese. However, dialects in the southwest, near the border with Henan and Shaanxi, are classified as part of the Zhongyuan Mandarin subdivision of the Mandarin group rather than Jin. In terms of characteristics, Jin dialects are generally distinguished by their retention of the entering tone from Middle Chinese. In this respect they are unique in all of northern China, as most of the surrounding Mandarin dialects (spoken over the remainder of northern China) have lost it. (In central and southern China, it is much more common for the entering tone to be kept.) Jin is also noted for extremely complex tone sandhi systems.
Shanxi cuisine is most well known for its extensive use of vinegar as a condiment and for its noodles. A dish originating from Taiyuan is the Taiyuan Tounao. It is a soup brewed using mutton, shanyao, lotus roots, astragalus membranaceus (黄芪, membranous milk vetch), tuber onions, as well as cooking liquor for additional aroma. It can be enjoyed by dipping pieces of unleavened cake into the soup, and is reputed to have medicinal properties.
Shanxi Opera is a popular form of Chinese opera in Shanxi. It was popularized during the late Qing Dynasty, with the help of the then-ubiquitous Shanxi merchants who were active across parts of China. Also called Zhonglu Bangzi, it is a type of bangzi opera, a group of operas generally distinguished by their use of wooden clappers for rhythm and by a more energetic singing style; Shanxi opera is also complemented by quzi, a blanket term for more melodic styles from further south. Puzhou Opera, from southern Shanxi, is a more ancient type of bangzi that makes use of very wide linear intervals.
Shanxi merchants constituted a historical phenomenon that lasted for centuries from the Song to the Qing Dynasty. Shanxi merchants ranged far and wide from Central Asia to the coast of eastern China; by the Qing Dynasty they were conducting trade across both sides of the Great Wall. During the late Qing Dynasty, a new development occurred: the creation of piaohao, which were essentially small banks that provided services like money transfers and transactions, deposits, loans, and so on. After the establishment of the first piaohao in Pingyao, the bankers of Shanxi enjoyed nearly one hundred years of financial dominance across China before being eclipsed by the rise of modern, larger banks.
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提交时间:2008/1/16 10:26:00



文化 山西人多讲晋语,但是靠近河南和陕西交界处的西南地区的山西人则讲中原官话。虽然晋语和中原官话都是汉语方言的分支,但晋语的最重要特征是有入声,这和中原官话很不相同。而且,在所有的北方方言中,除了晋语保留入声之外,其他北方方言已经没了入声。(华中和华南的一些汉语方言还保留着入声)。晋语还以纷繁复杂的连续变调著称。 山西菜肴的典型特色是"酸",其面食也闻名天下。太原头脑是起源于太原的一种汤食,也是一种特制的药膳,系由羊肉、山药、莲藕、黄芪、葱及其他提味的汤水等配制而成。食客在喝头脑的时候,可以佐食一种未经发酵的面饼。 山西的地方戏晋剧,是一种梆子剧,又称中路梆子。梆子剧是几种戏剧形式的总称,其典型特征是使用梆子伴奏演唱,唱腔慷慨激昂、高亢健壮。晚清时期,晋商广泛活跃在历史舞台上,在他们的大力帮助下,晋剧达到兴盛。在长期的历史发展中,晋剧也吸收了曲子(南方戏剧形式的统称,以旋律优美多变著称)的艺术特色。蒲剧即“蒲州梆子”,流行于山西南部,是一种更加古老的梆子剧种,以旋律跳跃性大而著称。 自宋到清长达几个世纪以来,晋商在中国历史上曾经显赫一时,他们广泛活跃在中亚及中国东部沿海一带。到了清朝,晋商的足迹更是遍布长城内外。清末,晋商开创了一种新的金融机构——票号。票号实际上是一种小型银行,主要承揽汇兑及存放款等业务。自从平遥地区出现了中国第一家票号以来,山西票商统治中国金融行业将近100年。后来随着现代化的大型银行出现,山西票号逐渐退出历史舞台。





2008/1/19 13:28:00


文化 山西大多地区的人们讲晋方言,是中国汉语方言之一。但是靠近河南和陕西交界的西南地区的方言化归中原方言(普通话的一个分支),而不是晋方言。晋方言的一般特色是保留了中古汉语的入声调。由此可见,其在整个北国具有鲜明的独特个性,因为周围大多数普通话方言(北国其它部分地区共同使用的语言)都失去了这个特色。(在中原和华南地区,入声调的保留很常见。)晋方言也是因为其非常复杂的连音体系而独具特色。山西烹调技术因大量使用醋为调味品和独特的面条而闻名全国。产生于太原的一道名肴称作“太原头脑”,是一道汤,主要材料是羊肉、山药、莲藕、黄芪、韭菜、还有提味的料酒。把硬面饼浸在汤里就可以享用,并具有独特药效的美誉。 山西戏曲剧在山西很受人民喜爱,清朝晚期就开始推广了。当时山西商人到处走动,活跃在中国的许多地方,促进了这一曲剧的广泛推广。也称作中路梆子,是一种梆子戏剧的一种类型。梆子戏剧是几种戏曲剧的总称,因其使用快板伴随节奏和高昂激情的唱调而独具特色。山西戏曲剧也吸取了曲子的特色, 曲子是南部节律风格的总称。蒲州梆子具有山西南部特色,是一种古老的梆子,运用线性音程。 山西商人促成了一种历史现象的形成,这种现象从宋朝到清朝延续了几个世纪。他们的足迹遍布各地,从中亚到中国东海岸。清朝时期他们在长城内外进行着贸易往来。清朝晚期,有了新的发展:建立了“票号”, 基本上是一些小型银行主要从事兑换钱票,货币交易,存储,借贷等活动。在平遥建立了第一个“票号”后,山西的银行家控制了中国金融交易近100多年,随后消弭于现代大银行的影响中。





2008/1/16 13:54:00
