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Geography and climate
Hunan borders Hubei in the north, Jiangxi to the east, Guangdong to the south, Guangxi to the southwest, Guizhou to the west, and Chongqing to the northwest.
Hunan is situated between 109°-114° east longitude and 20°-30° north latitude. The east, south and west sides of the province are surrounded by mountains and hills, such as the Wuling Mountains to the northwest, the Xuefeng Mountains to the west, the Nanling Mountains to the south, and the Luoxiao Mountains to the east. The mountains and hills occupy more than 80% of the area and the plain comprises less than 20% of the whole province.
The Xiangjiang, the Zijiang, the Yuanjiang and the Lishui Rivers converge on the Yangtze River (Changjiang River)at Lake Dongting in the north of Hunan. The center and northern parts are somewhat low and a U-shaped basin, open in the north and with Lake Dongting as its center. Most of Hunan Province lies in the basins of four major tributaries of the Yangtze River(Changjiang River).
Lake Dongting is the largest lake in the province and the second largest freshwater lake of China. Due to the reclamation of land for agriculture, Lake Dongting has been subdivided into many smaller lakes, though there is now a trend to reverse some of the reclamation, which had damaged wetland habitats surrounding the lake.
Hunan’s climate is subtropical, with mild winters and plenty of precipitation. January temperatures average 3 to 8 °C (37 to 46℉)while July temperatures average around 27 to 30 °C(81 to 86℉). Average annual precipitation is 1200 to 1700 mm.
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提交时间:2008/1/11 14:06:00



地貌和气候 湖南省北接湖北,东连江西,,南界广东,西南邻广西,西靠贵州,西北和重庆毗邻。 湖南省位于东经109°~110°北纬20°~30°之间。东、南、西三面环山,西北有武陵山,西面是雪峰山,南面有南岭,东面是罗霄山。 山川与丘陵占全省总面积的80%,平原不到20%。 湘江、资江、沅江、澧水四大水系汇聚洞庭湖,流入长江。 湖南省中北部地形偏低,形成向北开口的U型盆地,洞庭湖就处在中心位置。 湖南省的大部分地区处在长江的四大支流流经之处。 洞庭湖是省内最大的湖,也是中国第二大淡水湖。由于曾经实行的围湖造田,洞庭湖被分成了许多小湖,现在虽然已经实行了退耕还湖,但是已经对湖周围的湿地栖息地造成了破坏。 湖南属于亚热带气候,严冬期短,降水充足。 一月份平均气温在3-8℃之间(37-46华氏度),7月份平均气温在27-30℃之间(81-86华氏度)。 年平均降水量为1200-1700毫米。





2008/1/11 17:45:00

shirley _guo

湖南省北界湖北,东邻江西,南接广东,西倚贵州,西南与广西接壤,西北与重庆接壤。位于东经109度—114度之间,北纬20度-30度之间。湖南东,南,西面都被山脉和丘陵环绕,像西北面的武陵山脉,西面的雪峰山,南面的南陵山,东面的罗霄山。山脉和丘陵地占整个省的80%多,平原地仅占20%。 湘江,资江,沅江和澧水经湖南北部的洞庭湖汇入扬子江(长江)。中部和北部偏低从而形成一个U字形的盆地,向北开口,洞庭湖成为一个中心地带。湖南省大部沿扬子江(长江)支流分布。 洞庭湖是湖南省最大的湖泊也是中国第二大淡水湖。因为垦荒务农,洞庭湖被细分成许多小型的湖泊。但是近年来,为了弥补垦荒造成的湖泊周围沼泽栖息地的破坏,有退耕的趋势。湖南属亚热带气候。冬季温和且降水较多。一月份平均气温在3—8摄氏温度(37-46华氏温度),而七月份平均气温为27-30摄氏温度(81-85华氏温度)。全年的降水量在1200-1700mm间。





2008/1/11 17:24:00
