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The province of Jiangsu was formed in the seventeenth century. Before then, the northern and southern parts of Jiangsu had less connection than that later. Traditionally, South Jiangsu is referred to as the three more prosperous southern cities including Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou. Their culture is more southern than the rest and is often referred to as the Wu. All the other parts of the province is dominated by the so-called "Jianghuai Culture", which means the culture in the area between the Yangtze River (Jiang) and Huaihe River (Huai), though not all of them lie within the district defined by the term. In history, the term North Jiangsu refers to the cities to the north of the Yangtze River. For cities of Nanjing and Zhenjiang, neither the two terms (North Jiangsu and South Jiangsu) refers to them, because though they are to the south of the River, culturally they are still of the Jianghuai Region. Since about 1998, there is a new classification used frequently by the government and defined by economic means. It groups all the cities to the south of the Yangtse River as South Jiangsu, the cities of Yangzhou, Nantong and Taizhou as Middle Jiangsu, and all the rest as North Jiangsu.
Though the terms of classification are very complex, by cultural means only the very north cities of Xuzhou and Lianyungang are culturally north Chinese. All the rest areas of the province are culturally south, though the three South Jiangsu cities are more purely southern while the culture in other cities is more a transitional mixture dominated by the southern.
Two main subdivisions of the Chinese language, Mandarin and Wu are spoken in different parts of Jiangsu. Dialects of Mandarin are spoken over the traditional North Jiangsu, Nanjing and Zhenjiang, while Dialect of Wu is used in South Jiangsu. Mandarin and Wu are not mutually intelligible and the dividing line is sharp and well-defined.
Jiangsu is rich in cultural traditions. Kunqu, originating in Kunshan, is one of the most renowned and prestigious forms of Chinese opera. Pingtan, a form of storytelling accompanied by music, is also popular: it can be subdivided into types by origin: Suzhou Pingtan (of Suzhou), Yangzhou Pingtan (of Yangzhou), and Nanjing Pingtan (of Nanjing). Xiju, a form of traditional Chinese opera, is popular in Wuxi, while Huaiju is popular further north, around Yancheng. Jiangsu cuisine is one of the eight great traditions of the cuisine of China.
Since ancient times, south Jiangsu has been famed for its prosperity and opulence, and simply inserting south Jiangsu place names (Suzhou, Yangzhou, etc.) into poetry gave an effect of dreaminess, as was indeed done by many famous poets. In particular, the fame of Suzhou (as well as Hangzhou in neighboring Zhejiang province) has led to the popular saying: Above there is heaven; Below there is Suzhou and Hangzhou(上有天堂,下有苏杭), a saying that continues to be a source of pride for the people of these two still prosperous cities. Similarly, the prosperity of Yangzhou has led poets to dream of: With a hundred thousand strings of coins wrapped around the waist, riding a crane down to Yangzhou(腰缠十万贯,骑鹤下扬州).
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提交时间:2008/1/3 10:47:00



文化 17世纪,江苏省就已经形成,但苏北和苏南之间从来就没有建立过紧密的联系。从传统意义上讲,苏南指的是包括苏州、无锡和常州在内的经济相对发达地区,苏北则指的是长江北部的江苏地区。苏南地区的文化以“吴语”为语言文化特征,因此又被称为“吴文化”。该省其他地区的文化则以“江淮文化”为主,表明这一文化盛行于长江(江)和淮河(淮)流域。可是有些地区虽然地处“江淮文化”圈,但并非位于长江和淮河流域,南京和镇江两地区就是最好例证。这两个地区地处长江南部,因此在地理位置上它们既不属于苏北也不属于苏南,可在文化上它们属于“江淮文化”。1998年以来,中央政府通常以经济区域把江苏省划分为苏南、苏中和苏北三个区域:长江以南的江苏地区称为“苏南”, 以扬州、南通和泰州为核心的城市群被称为苏中,其他地方统称为“苏北”。 尽管划分起来非常复杂,可是从文化上来讲,该省北部的徐州和连云港属于北方文化圈,其他地区则处于南方文化圈。实际上,只有苏州、无锡和常州属于纯粹的南方文化,其他地区的文化则是南北混合,但以南方文化为主。 江苏省有两种语言——普通话和吴语,两者之间差别明显,互不相通。普通话方言区主要分布在南京、镇江及传统意义上的苏北地区;吴语方言区则主要分布在苏南。 江苏省传统文化极为丰厚,影响较大的有昆曲、评弹、锡剧、淮剧等。昆曲是中国最富盛名的剧种之一,发源于昆山。评弹是一种曲艺说书形式,按地域又可划分为苏州评弹、扬州评弹和南京评弹。锡剧是一种传统的中国戏剧,主要流行于无锡。淮剧主要流行于北部的盐城地区。苏菜久负盛名,是中国八大菜系之一, 自古以来,苏南地区就以繁荣和富庶闻名天下,历代文人墨客来此观光,无不盛赞不已,留下了一篇篇千古绝唱的诗文。其中最著名的诗篇是赞美苏州和杭州(浙江省)的“上有天堂,下有苏杭”以及赞美扬州的“腰缠十万贯,骑鹤下扬州”,这些诗句已经成为当地的美谈。





2008/1/9 10:03:00


文化 江苏省形成于17世纪。此前,江苏省的南部和北部联系较后来要少。传统意义上的苏南是指三个比较繁荣的南部城市,包括苏州、无锡和常州。苏南的文化比其他地区更具南部特色,通常被称之为“吴”,而该省的其他地区则以“江淮文化”的为主,即地处长江(江)和淮河(淮)之间的区域,尽管不是所有地区都象其含义那样处在二者之间。 历史上,苏北是指长江以北的城市。对于南京和镇江两市来说,苏南和苏北两者都不含它们,因为两市地处长江以南,但从文化上来说,它们仍属江淮地区。自98年以来,有一种新的,从经济角度出发的划分方式频频被政府部门所使用。这种划分方式将长江以南的城市群称为苏南,以扬州、南通和泰州为核心的城市群被称为苏中,其余则被称为苏北。 尽管划分起来非常复杂,但是从文化的角度来说,只有最北部的徐州和连云港属文化意义上的华北。江苏省的其他地区则属华南,尽管苏南的三个城市更接近南方,而其他城市的文化也是南北融合,以南方为主。 汉语的两大分支,普通话和吴语,在江苏的不同地区都有说的。操地方普通话者分布在传统意义上的苏北,南京和镇江,而操吴语者主要分布在苏南。普通话和吴语互不相通,差别明显且界限分明。 江苏的文化传统历史悠久。起源于昆山的昆曲是著名的且享有声誉的中国戏剧形式之一。评弹,一种伴以音乐的讲故事形式也非常流行:按地域可以分为苏州评弹(苏州地区),扬州评弹(扬州地区),南京评弹(南京地区)。锡剧,中国传统戏剧的一种,流行于无锡地区,而淮剧则在更往北些的盐城地区流行。苏菜是中国八大传统菜系之一。 自古以来,苏南就以繁荣和富庶闻名,苏南的地名(苏州、扬州等)已被很多著名诗人写进诗里,给人以梦幻的感觉。尤其是苏州(以及邻省浙江的杭州),因其名气才有了流传已久的谚语:上有天堂,下有苏杭,居住在两个至今依然繁荣的城市里的人们一直引以为豪。扬州也是如此,其繁荣景象也激发了诗人无限遐想:腰缠十万贯,骑鹤下扬州。





2008/1/3 21:12:00
