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BEIJING, Nov. 30 — He once was one of China’s richest and most politically connected businessmen, a real estate tycoon who had started out selling noodles. But today, Zhou Zhengyi was sentenced to 16 years in prison, the latest powerful Shanghai figure to fall from grace.
Mr. Zhou, 45, stood inside Shanghai Municipal No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court as a judge pronounced him guilty on five charges, including misappropriation of funds, bribery and forging tax receipts, state media reported. His company also was fined 3.35 million yuan, or about $450,000.
Mr. Zhou’s career arc spoke to the nexus of money and political power in China, especially in Shanghai, the financial capital. He was closely connected to Shanghai’s former Communist Party boss, Chen Liangyu, who was sacked last year in a sweeping corruption investigation ordered by President Hu Jintao.
The corruption investigation struck directly at the Shanghai political machine, which was linked to the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, and had resisted many of the policies put forward by Mr. Hu and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. Mr. Chen, the sacked party boss, was a protégé of Mr. Jiang, himself a former Shanghai party leader.
Mr. Zhou, the property magnate, owed his rise to the Shanghai clique. During the 1990s, Mr. Zhou became one of the city’s biggest real estate developers as the city was in the midst of a stunning run of growth. By 2002, Forbes magazine estimated his wealth at $320 million.
But Mr. Zhou became an early target as the central government began probing into malfeasance in Shanghai. He was detained in June 2003, a few months after Mr. Hu became president and Communist Party chief.
He was convicted on financial charges and sentenced to three years in prison. By the time Mr. Zhou was released in May 2006, Mr. Hu had launched a new corruption investigation ultimately aimed at Mr. Chen. Five months later, Mr. Zhou was detained again.
Investigators from Beijing concluded that Shanghai officials had diverted 3.7 billion yuan, or about $494 million, from the city’s social security fund to investment corporations controlled by well-connected businessmen. Another tycoon, Zhang Rongkun, once ranked No. 16 on the Forbes list of China’s richest, has already been arrested on charges linked to the social security scandal, state media reported.
State media did not specify if Mr. Zhou’s latest conviction is specifically linked to the social security scandal, or whether the charges are connected to another incident. But the 16-year prison term suggests that Mr. Zhou has run out of political patrons.
During his previous, shorter stint in prison, Mr. Zhou enjoyed many privileges. Four of his jailors have been convicted of accepting bribes in exchange for special treatment, including access to a telephone and extra visits from friends.
Mr. Chen, who has been expelled from the Communist Party, has yet to go on trial for the charges against him.
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提交时间:2007/12/1 9:55:00



北京(10月30日)今天,上海最富有影响力的人物---周下毅,一失往日的光彩,锒铛入狱,被判16年徒刑。他是从卖面条起家的,后发展成为中国最富有人之一,曾一度与政治方面最有关系的生意人,是一代房地产大亨。 据国家媒体报道,现年45岁的周下毅,正站在上海市第二中级人民法院法庭上接受审判。法官宣布了他的五大罪状,其中有私自挪用公款罪、行贿受贿罪、虚开增殖税发票罪。他的公司也被罚款335万元(折合450,000美元) 在中国,尤其在上海这个金融大都市,周正毅能紧紧挂靠前上海市委大老板陈良玉,在他的职业生涯中大搞权钱交易。陈良玉已于去年由胡锦涛总书记发出的清除腐败分子的专项斗争的命令后收审入狱。 本次反腐败斗争直接打击了与前任中国领导人江泽民关系的,并公然违抗由胡锦涛总书记和温家宝总理提出的许多方针政策的上海政治核心,陈良玉,曾是前上海市委领导人江泽民主席一手提拔的显赫人物。 周正毅这一当代财富巨人,发迹上海朋党。早在二十世纪九十年代,周就变成了上海市最大的房地产开发商,当时正是上海城市发展转型期间。至2002年,世界《财富》杂志对他的财富评估为3亿2千万美元。 其实,对周正毅进行正式查办之前他就已成为中央政府所列的早期调查目标。他于2003年被拘捕,几个月后,胡锦涛当选为中国共产党总书记。 当时,他被公诉指控犯有金融诈骗罪,被判三年徒刑。至2006年5月被无罪释放之时,胡锦涛总书记针对陈良玉又最终发布了一新的反腐败斗争令。五个月后,周正毅重新被判入狱。 国家媒体报道,来自北京的取证人经过调查取证后得出的结论是:原上海官员曾挪用37亿人民币(折合4亿9千4百万美元)的社会安全基金,由有相当关系的商人掌控,用作公司投资。另一财富大亨,曾在世界《财富》杂志上排名第16位的中国巨富张容坤,由于也被指控与社会安全基金丑闻有关,也已逮捕法办。 国家媒体还不能明确证实周正毅最新的犯罪证据是否明显地与社会安全基金丑闻有关,或是否所有公诉指控与另一项事件有关。但16年的监狱服刑期表明周正毅完全没有了政治上的庇护。 在他先前的短暂服刑期间,周正毅享受了很多特权。他的四名监狱看守也被指控为受贿已换取特殊待遇,包括私自使用电话及朋友的探视等。 陈良玉已被开除党籍,但还没有正式定罪服刑。





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