Yesterday was the Radical Left Democrats big Impeachment day. They worked so hard to make it something really big and special but had one problem - almost nobody showed up. “The Media admits low turnout for anti-Trump rallies.” @FoxNews “All around the Country people are... .saying enough. Democrat voters want to hear the politicians talking about issues. This is a huge distraction and will only help Donald Trump get elected.” @JedediahBila “Greatest President since Ronald Reagan” said a counter-protester. LehighValleyLive
昨天是激进左翼民主党的大型弹劾日。他们努力工作,使它变得非常大而且特别,但有一个问题 - 几乎没有人出现。 “媒体承认反特朗普集会的投票率很低。”@ FoxNews“全国各地的人们......