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Dennis Muilenburg, Boeing’s chief executive, took home just over $30 million last year, a $6 million increase from the year before, according to a filing late Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as the company’s business soared after another banner year.
据美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)周五提交的一份文件显示,波音公司首席执行官丹尼斯·穆伦堡(Dennis Muilenburg)去年收回的资金超过3000万美元,比去年增加了600万美元,因为该公司的业务在另一个标志性年度后飙升。
With revenue at a record high in 2018, breaking the $100 billion mark for the first time, Boeing’s heavily incentivized compensation model was a boon for the 55-year-old executive, whose base salary is $1.7 million. The company noted in the filing that Muilenburg’s annual compensation of $23.4 million was 184 times higher than the median salary of the company’s employees. (His compensation included stock options from prior years that were paid out.)
由于收入创下2018年的历史新高,首次突破1000亿美元大关,波音公司大力激励薪酬模式对这位55岁的高管来说是一个福音,他的基本薪水为170万美元。该公司在文件中指出,Muilenburg每年2340万美元的薪酬是该公司员工薪酬中位数的184倍。 (他的报酬包括已支付的前几年的股票期权。)
Now, after two harrowing crashes that killed a total of 346 people, Muilenburg faces one of the toughest tests of his 34-year career at the Chicago-based behemoth. Last week, Boeing’s stock dropped after one of its 737 Max 8 airplanes crashed in Ethiopia, the second time in five months one of the planes was involved in a deadly crash. In October, one of the planes went down in Indonesia, killing everyone on board.
现在,经过两次令人痛苦的撞车事故导致346人丧生之后,Muilenburg面临着他在芝加哥庞然大物队34年职业生涯中最艰难的考验之一。上周,在其737架Max 8飞机在埃塞俄比亚坠毁之后,波音公司的股价下跌,这是五个月内第二次飞机发生致命事故。 10月,其中一架飞机在印度尼西亚坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。
Muilenburg’s compensation was first reported by the Seattle Times.
Countries around the world have grounded the aircraft, a major source of revenue for the company, which has more than 150,000 employees. Boeing has said that it has stopped delivering the 737s while it works on updating its flight-control system. Jeffries analyst Sheila Kahyaoglu said in a note that a two-month halt in deliveries could cost the company $5.1 billion this year.
世界各国都将飞机停飞,这是该公司的主要收入来源,该公司拥有超过150,000名员工。波音公司表示,它已经停止交付737飞机,同时它正在更新其飞行控制系统。 Jeffries分析师希拉·卡亚奥格鲁(Sheila Kahyaoglu)在一份报告中表示,为期两个月的交货停工可能使公司今年损失51亿美元。
Meanwhile, Congress has vowed to investigate the cause of the crashes. And families of at least two dozen crash victims are suing the company.
Fighting to stem the fallout from the crashes, Muilenburg called President Trump on Tuesday, vowing that the planes were safe and saying that there was no reason to ground them. Eventually, the Federal Aviation Administration decided to do so anyway. “The safety of the American people, and all our people, is our paramount concern,” President Trump said in explaining the decision to ground the planes.
为了遏制撞车事故的影响,Muilenburg周二致电特朗普总统,发誓这些飞机是安全的,并表示没有理由将它们碾压。最终,联邦航空管理局决定这样做。 “美国人民和我们全体人民的安全是我们最关心的问题,”特朗普总统在解释飞机降落的决定时说道。
Still, analysts have said the crisis is unlikely to have a long-term effect on the company’s finances. Despite the crash in October, the company finished 2018 with record revenue that beat its goal, profit of $10 billion and a healthy order book for future growth.
In 2017, Boeing’s stock climbed nearly 90 percent, and for the first two months this year, it was up nearly 35 percent.
In the SEC filing, Boeing said its compensation model for its executives is “designed to drive near-term program execution, operational excellence and sustainable growth.” By those measures, Boeing’s CEO had a banner year, the filing said.
“Mr. Muilenburg’s leadership in successfully executing Boeing’s business strategies in 2018 ... [is] evidenced by record operating cash flow, revenue, operating earnings and commercial airplane deliveries,” it said.
“先生。 Muilenburg在2018年成功执行波音公司业务战略的领导地位...... [记录经营现金流,收入,营业收入和商用飞机交付证明了这一点,“它说。
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提交时间:2019/3/18 15:46:00



据美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)周五提交的一份文件显示,波音公司首席执行官丹尼斯·米伦伯格(Dennis Muilenburg)去年带回家的薪金超过3000万美元,比去年增加了600万美元,因为该公司的业务在经过了另一个标志性年度后再次飙升。
由于收入创下2018年的历史新高,首次突破1000亿美元大关,波音公司的薪酬激励模式对这位55岁的高管来说是一个福音,他的基本薪水为170万美元。该公司在文件中指出,米伦伯格每年2340万美元的年薪是该公司员工薪酬中位数的184倍。 (他的报酬包括前几年的股票期权付现。)
现在,经过两次令人痛苦的坠机事故导致346人丧生之后,米伦伯格面临着他在芝加哥巨无霸34年职业生涯中最艰难的考验之一。上周,在其737 Max 8飞机在埃塞俄比亚坠毁之后,波音公司的股价下跌,这是五个月内第二次发生致命飞机事故。 10月,其中一架飞机在印度尼西亚坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。
世界各国都将该型飞机停飞,这是该公司的主要收入来源,该公司拥有超过150,000名员工。波音公司表示,它已经停止交付737飞机,同时它正在更新其飞行控制系统。 Jeffries分析师希拉·卡亚奥格鲁(Sheila Kahyaoglu)在一份报告中表示,为期两个月的中止交货可能使公司今年损失51亿美元。
为了遏制坠机事故的影响,米伦伯格周二致电特朗普总统,发誓这些飞机是安全的,并表示没有理由将它们停飞。最终,联邦航空管理局仍然决定这样做。 “美国人民和我们全体人民的安全是我们最关心的问题,”特朗普总统在解释飞机停飞的决定时说道。
“米伦伯格先生在2018年成功执行波音公司业务战略的领导力.... [创记录的经营现金流,收入,营收和商用飞机交付都证明了这一点,“ 这份文件如是说。






2019/3/23 15:01:00
