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Ethnic group
The largest ethnic group of Henan is Han, while the main minority group is hui
Henan is located in the Yellow River valley and in a place where people of ancient times grew and developed. Earlier in the New Stone Age, the light of civilization had appeared and the delicate potteries in the Peiligang Culture and Yangshao Culture, and the character signs and musical instruments 8,000 years ago have filled the present world and the ancient times with wonders. Three of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China are in Henan: Luoyang, Kaifeng and Anyang. Henan is one of the provinces which have the most historical relics in the country. There are 16 key national units of protecting historical relics and 267 provincial units of protecting historical relics. The over-ground historical relics are the second in China. Historical relics in museums take up one eighth of those in China. And the underground historical relics are the first in China. In Henan Museum there are 120,000 historical relics, including over 40,000 rare ones. Henan is a perfect place for tourists to yearn for the past.
• Gaocheng Astronomical Observatory, the oldest astronomical observatory in China.
• Annual Peony Show in Luoyang.
• Mount Jigong, on the southern border.
• Mount Song, near Dengfeng, one of the Five Sacred Mountains of China.
• Shaolin Temple, on Mount Song.
• The Longmen Grottoes, near Luoyang.
• White Horse Temple in Luoyang.
• Yinxu in Anyang.
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民族 河南人以汉族为主,少数民族主要为回族。 旅游 河南省地处黄河流域,很早就有人类在这里繁衍生息,赋予了此地悠久灿烂的历史文化。从新石器时代早期,河南就有裴李岗文化遗址和仰韶文化遗址,它们出土的人类遗迹和乐器距今有8000年之久,令古今中外的人们无不拍案叫绝。从中国的七大古都来看,河南就占有洛阳、开封、安阳三个。河南省历史古迹众多,拥有16个国家级文物保护单位和267个省级文物保护单位,是中国包含历史文物遗址最多的省份之一。在河南省的所有历史文物遗址中,地下历史文物遗址高居全国首位,地上历史文物遗址居全国第二。另外,河南省还建有数量众多的历史文物博物馆,占全国总数的1/8。博物馆的馆藏品也很丰富,仅河南省博物馆就珍藏有120,000件历史文物,其中稀世珍宝就有40,000件之多。 河南省堪称探寻人类早期历史的旅游天堂,著名的历史旅游景点有有: •告成古天文观测台,是中国现存最早的天文观测台; •洛阳牡丹花会,每年举行一次; •鸡公山,位于河南省南部边界; •嵩山,位于河南登封市附近,是中国五岳之一; •少林寺,位于嵩山山麓; •龙门石窟,位于洛阳市附近; •白马寺,位于洛阳市内; •殷墟,位于安阳市郊。





2008/1/14 16:50:00
