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Geography and climate
Henan borders Hebei to the north, Shandong to the northeast, Anhui to the southeast, Hubei to the south, Shaanxi to the west, and Shanxi to the northwest.
Henan is flat in the east and mountainous in the west and extreme south. The eastern and central parts of the province form part of the North China Plain. To the northwest the Taihang Mountains intrude partially into Henan’s borders; to the west the Qinling Mountains enter Henan from the west and end about halfway across Henan, with branches (such as the Funiu Mountains) extending northwards and southwards. To the far south, the Dabie Mountains separate Henan from neighbouring Hubei province.
The Yellow River passes through northern Henan. It enters from the northwest, via the Sanmenxia Reservoir. After it passes Luoyang, the Yellow River is raised via natural sedimentation and artificial construction onto a levee, higher than the surrounding land. From here onwards, the Yellow River divides the Hai He watershed to the north and the Huai He watershed to the south. The Huai He itself originates in southern Henan. The southwestern corner of Henan, around Nanyang, is part of the drainage basin of the Han Shui River across the border in Hubei.
There are many reservoirs in Henan. Major ones include the Danjiangkou Reservoir on the border with Hubei, the Sanmenxia Reservoir, the Suyahu Reservoir, the Baiguishan Reservoir, the Nanwan Reservoir, and the Banqiao Reservoir.
Henan has a temperate continental climate, with most rainfall in summer. Temperatures average about 0°C (32℉)in January, and 27 to 28°C(81 to 82℉) in July.
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提交时间:2008/1/13 13:34:00



地貌及气候 河南省北界河北,东北与山东交界,西南与安徽毗邻,南临湖北,西连陕西,西北与山西接壤。 河南省东部地势低平,西南部则被群山环绕。中、东部平原为华北平原的一部分。北、西、南三面太行山、秦岭、大别山沿省界呈半环形分布:太行山的一部分深入到河南省西北边界;秦岭穿越河南西部一半边界,其支脉(如伏牛山)继续向南向东延伸;大别山位于河南省南部边缘,是河南和湖北的天然分界线。 河南省地跨黄河、海河、淮河和汉水四大水系,其中淮河发源于河南省南部。黄河自西北部进入河南,经过三门峡水库,横跨整个河南省北部地区。黄河水流经洛阳之后,由于泥沙大量沉积及多次人工改道,黄河河床高出周围地面,形成“地上河”。自此之后的黄河河道,成为海河流域和淮河流域的分水岭,黄河以北属海河流域,以南属淮河流域。河南省西南部与湖北交界一带(南阳市周围)则属于汉水流域。 河南省水库众多,其中大型水库有丹江口水库(位于和湖北省交界处)、三门峡水库、宿鸭湖水库、白龟山水库、南湾水库和板桥水库等。 河南省属于温带大陆性气候,夏季多雨。全省1月份平均气温在0°C (32℉)以上,7月份平均气温在27 — 28°C(81 — 82℉)之间。





2008/1/14 13:38:00
