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Chinese news coverage of Pakistan typically depicts the United States as the only foreign country that is a factor in Pakistan’s affairs. This is in keeping with a general tendency to depict the United States as a meddlesome power, in sharp contrast with China, which frequently proclaims that it does not interfere in the affairs of other countries, and sees to it that this line is scrupulously echoed in the news media.
“In its world coverage, the Chinese press often presents an ‘It’s none of our business, let’s watch the show’ attitude,” said Zhang Ping, a veteran editor with the Nanfang Press Corporation, one of China’s most highly regarded news companies. “This is, of course, the safest approach.”
Tao Yong, a freelance Chinese journalist who broke ground with original reporting from Africa recently, said editors brought strong preconceived notions to each subject that are often insurmountable. Chief among them is showing China in a positive light.
“Take Darfur, for example,” Mr. Tao said. “The first thing many Chinese media want to say is that China has nothing to do with Darfur. That’s unrealistic. The truth is neither that China has no influence, as Chinese media say, or that its influence is as big as the foreign media describe.”
In many ways, reporting about the United States, which typically receives the closest coverage of any country here, is far less rigidly ideological than in the past, when China still saw capitalism as antithetical to its socialist system.
Still, subjects that are implicitly critical of American society are fair game for China’s news media, whereas in many other countries, which China does not openly regard as rivals, topics that could be perceived as critical are generally avoided.
“For America, basically bad news is good news, meaning all important news can be covered without taboo,” said Ma Ling, an associate professor of journalism at Shanghai’s Fudan University. “Compared to the U.S., Russia would be a place that requires more caution. Although China and Russia don’t lack conflicts, China wants to solve those problems in an ‘appropriate’ way, rather than letting the media amplify them.”
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提交时间:2007/12/7 12:05:00



中国的新闻报道往往把美国描述成在巴基斯坦事务中唯一起作用的国家,这符合它把美国描述成一个“爱干涉别国”国家的一贯趋势。与此形成鲜明对比的是,中国经常宣称自己不干涉它国事务,而中国新闻媒体也谨慎回应这一原则。 “在国际事件报道中,中国媒体常表露出‘事不关己,静观事变’的态度,”南方报业集团资深编辑张平说,“毫无疑问,这是最安全的方法”。 南方报业集团是中国最有影响力的新闻出版集团之一。 中国自由新闻记者陶永最近从非洲带来了第一手资料,他说在对每一个事件进行报道之前,编辑都会把预先形成的观点告诉记者,而这些观点经常是难以逾越的。这些观点的主旨是向国际社会呈现中国的正面形象。 “就拿达尔福尔来说,”陶先生说,“许多中国媒体报道中国在达尔福尔事件上没有任何关系,这是不符合事实的。实际上中国在达尔福尔事件上所起的作用,既不像中国媒体报道的那样没有任何关系,也不像外国媒体报道的那样夸大了作用。 美国是中国新闻媒体密切关注的国家,在很多问题上,中国对于美国的报道已经不像原来那样带有强烈的意识形态色彩。过去,中国一直把资本主义制度看作是与社会主义制度完全对立的。 尽管如此,美国社会一些暗含的有争议的事件,还是成为中国新闻媒体随意批评的对象。然而在那些中国并不认为是对手的国家,新闻媒体一般避免报道可能引起争议的事件。 “对美国来说,基本上坏消息就是我们的好消息,这就意味着所有重要新闻的报道不受禁忌”,复旦大学新闻专业副教授马玲说,“和美国相比,俄罗斯更值得我们注意。虽然中国和俄罗斯也有冲突,但是中国希望用‘合适’的方法来解决这些问题,更不希望媒体把这些事件扩大化。”





2007/12/11 14:42:00


中国对于巴基斯坦的新闻报道中称,美国是唯一一个在巴基斯坦事件中起着影响作用的外国政府。这是一种保持其持续把美国形容为喜欢干涉别国内政的形象。形成强烈对比的是其把自己表述为从不干涉别国内政,同时时刻注意着媒体是否谨慎地反应着这一点。 “在全球范围内,中国媒体总是表现出一种‘和自己无关,让我们静观事变’的态度,”一位中国公认的最大的新闻传媒,南方日报的编辑张平说,“这毫无疑问,是最安全的方法。” 陶永,一位中国的自由新闻工作者最近从非洲带来第一手资料,他说新闻人员会把强烈的预想的概念带入每一个无法超越的主题种。他们之中的领导把中国表现为处于积极的环境中。 “就拿达尔福尔来说把”Mr 陶说,“第一件中国媒体都想说的是这个事件和中国是毫无关系的,但那是不现实的。事实是既不是中国媒体所说的无关,也不想西方媒体描述的重大关系。 在许多方面,对于美国的报道,是中国对全球所最密切的报道的国家,已经不象过去那么强硬的形态了,那时中国对于资本主义的看法就是完全与其社会主义的体系所相背。 尽管如此,关于美国社会的有争议的事件还是被作为了中国新媒体的攻击目标,然而相对于其他国家来说,中国政府并不视其为对手,同样可以作为批判的事件的主题则常常是避免的。 ”对于美国来讲,基本上坏的新闻对我们就是好的,也就是说,所有重要的新闻可以不必忌讳的播出”,一位复旦大学新闻专业的副教授说,“相比于美国来说,俄罗斯则需要多一点的谨慎。虽然中国和俄罗斯并不缺少争执,中国则希望能够通过“合适”的方法解决,而不是让媒体来放大他们。





2007/12/7 13:16:00

