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BEIJING (Reuters) - An explosion at a fireworks factory in north China killed 11 people and injured eight, the second such disaster in two days, state media said on Thursday.
Wednesday’s blast hit the Xingtong Fireworks Co in a suburb of Yangquan in the coal-rich province of Shanxi, Xinhua news agency said.
"The cause of the blast and the number of workers at the site when it happened remain unclear," Xinhua said.
Rescue work was under way and no further bodies had been found buried under the debris, it added.
On Tuesday, an explosion at an illegal fireworks factory in the central province of Henan killed 13 villagers and injured six.
Also in Shanxi, five children were killed and one seriously wounded by a blast when playing in an abandoned firecracker factory on Sunday.
Blasts at fireworks makers, many unlicensed and in densely settled areas, are common in China where firecrackers are let off at weddings and other celebrations. Hundreds of such accidents cause about 450 deaths a year.
Separately, seven people died and one was missing after a chemical plant explosion in the eastern province of Jiangsu on Wednesday, the Southern Metropolis Daily said.
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提交时间:2007/11/29 10:33:00



北京(路透社)-中国北部的一家烟花爆竹工厂发生爆炸,造成11人死亡,8人受伤.国家媒体在周四的报道上称这是在2天内第二起这样的灾难。 “这起周三的爆炸发生在产煤大省山西阳泉郊县的星通烟花爆竹工厂”,据新华社报道称 爆炸的原因和当时在场的工人数量仍未确定,新华社称。 报道补充救援工作正在进行中,在爆炸碎片中没有再发现掩埋的尸体。 周二发生在中部省份河南一家非法烟花爆竹工厂的爆炸造成13人死亡,6人受伤。 同样在山西,有5名儿童在一家废弃的烟花爆竹工厂玩耍时被炸死,另有1名儿童重伤。 这些发生爆炸的烟花爆竹工厂,很多没有营业执照,并且地处居民密集的地方。在中国,婚礼和其他庆典中燃放鞭炮非常普遍。每年数百起类似事故造成约450人死亡。 另外,据南方都市日报报道,周三在中国东部的江苏省一家化学制品工厂发生爆炸,造成7人死亡,1人失踪。





2007/11/29 16:31:00

