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France (Reuters) - Youths in Paris suburbs and the city of Toulouse torched cars and set rubbish ablaze in fresh urban violence in France on Tuesday.
With police out in force, the situation remained tense.
But there were only isolated incidents of vandalism and officials reported no major clashes between youths and police in contrast to Monday night when around 80 police officers were injured when rioters pelted them with stones and petrol bombs.
"(The situation) is much calmer than in previous nights but you can feel all this remains fragile," Prime Minister Francois Fillon said after meeting officials in the northern Paris suburb of Villiers-le-Bel, where unrest erupted on Sunday.
The government pledged to take a firm line against rioters who attacked police, and there was a heavy police presence in Paris suburbs. Officers in riot gear and dozens of police vans lined the main street of Villiers-le-Bel, as a helicopter circled above.
Around a dozen cars were set ablaze in suburbs in Paris.
In Toulouse in the south vandals torched about 20 cars, police said. They also tried to set fire to a library in a working class district of the city, but police said they stepped in before there was any real damage.
The urban unrest, triggered by the deaths of two youths who were on a moped that collided with a police car, have posed a fresh challenge to the leadership of President Nicolas Sarkozy after transport strikes and student protests over his reforms.
The disturbances eclipsed his success in clinching billions of euros of contracts for French firms on a trip to China.
He was to meet Fillon and his interior and justice ministers to discuss the crisis on his return from China on Wednesday, his spokesman said. He would first visit injured police officers in hospital.
One police officer was hit by a projectile apparently fired from a hunting rifle in Monday’s violence in which police replied with tear gas and rubber bullets, and made five arrests.
This time, Sarkozy has called for calm and the lower-key response of the government suggested it wanted to avoid exacerbating tensions in France’s deprived suburbs.
But some residents in the deprived suburbs said,"Before preaching to others in China, Sarkozy should bring back human rights here. Here there is a justice for the poor, one for the rich and another for the police."
Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said criminals were using youngsters to distract police while they pillaged shops and denied a repeat of the 2005 riots was due, saying that in contrast to two years ago, the unrest was limited geographically.
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提交时间:2007/11/28 11:50:00



法国(路透社)周二,在最近一次的法国城市暴乱中,巴黎郊区和图卢兹市的青年纵火烧毁汽车,点燃垃圾。 虽然出动了警察,但局势依然紧张。 但是只有少数孤立的故意破坏行为,官员报道说警察和青年人之间没有主要的冲突,这和周一晚上发动的暴乱形成了鲜明对比。在那次暴乱中,暴徒向警察投掷石头和汽油弹,造成大约80名警察受伤。 “虽然和前晚相比,目前(形势)比较平静,但这一平静不堪一击,”总理菲永(francois fillon)在和巴黎北部郊区Villiers-le-Bel的官员会见后说。周日的暴乱就是在Villiers-le-Bel发生的。 政府发誓要严惩袭击警察的暴徒,巴黎郊区已经部署了大量警力。官员们身着防暴装备,Villiers-le-Bel的主要大街上都部署了大量警力,同时空中还有直升机在盘旋。 警察说,在图卢兹市南部,暴徒燃烧了大约20辆车。他们还试图点燃一个位于工人阶级区域的图书馆,但是警察及时制止了这一破坏。 两个在街上闲逛的青年被警车撞死,这一事件导致了城市暴乱,也使法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)在遭受运输工人和学生抗议他的改革之后,面临一场新的挑战。 这次暴乱也使他的中国之行取得的成绩黯然失色,在这次中国访问中他成功帮助法国公司和中国政府签订了上亿欧元的贸易合同。 他的发言人说,萨科齐周三从中国回国后,将会见总理菲永(francois fillon)、内政部长和司法部长,共同讨论应对这一危机。不过,他首先会到医院慰问受伤的警官。 一名警官在周一的暴乱中,被一只猎枪射中。在这次暴乱中,警察也使用了催泪气体和橡皮弹,并且逮捕5名暴徒。 这一次,萨科齐呼吁政府保持镇静,放低姿态,这就表明政府不愿意加剧法国郊区的紧张气氛. 但是,被遗忘郊区的居民说,“在向中国人民宣讲实行民主前,萨科齐应该先在法国实行民主。在法国,穷人与富人和警察享受的民主是不一样的”。 国防部长阿利奥-马里(Michele Alliot-Marie )说,罪犯是在用年轻人来转移警察的注意力,而他们就可以来抢劫商店。她再次否认2005年的暴乱是有预谋的,与两年前相比,这次暴乱只局限在一些地区。





2007/12/6 9:03:00

