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提交时间:2008/10/30 20:13:00

已有 5人参与翻译 查看详情
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As mentioned before, you can take on additional services when you are ready. It is important to invest in the testing engineers and take them up to the next level before expanding the service.

背景说明:As mentioned before, you can take on additional services when you are ready. It is important to invest in the testing engineers and take them up to the next level before expanding the service. I f they are not HP certified. This is great time to start that process. Once certified, there is additional training for the other modules of performance center. Tuning can require a level of expertise equivalent to the development team and database administrators. Training in the technologies they are testing (JAVA, Oracl,e,etc) will help as well. At some point the central performance engineers will be as familiar with the code as some developers. They will understand the performance capabilities of the application better than anyone. This allows further movement towards becoming a performance authority. HP:惠普公司。 该公司提供软件性能测试解决方案

奖励:10译点 |英文 ->英文 -> 中文 | 字数:34字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2008/10/30 15:53:00

已有 4人参与翻译 查看详情