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The second similarity between the two systems is that they are both products of individuals. Whether we speak, laugh, point, touch, or remain silent, we are still generating a message that someone els...


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提交时间:2008/2/25 11:11:00

已有 2人参与翻译 查看详情
编号 原文(文本翻译)
The words we use or the marks we put down on paper are intended to stand for something. If we kiss someone we are found of, the kiss is a way of repressing our internal state; it is our attempt at sha...


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状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2008/2/25 10:55:00

已有 1人参与翻译 查看详情
编号 原文(文本翻译)
Lambda print

背景说明:Lambda or LightJet printing is the latest in state-of-the-art digital technology for producing high quality photographic output from disk.

奖励:0译点 | -> -> | 字数:字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2008/2/21 16:44:00

已有 3人参与翻译 查看详情