编号 原文(新闻速译)
U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the Pentagon is preparing to respond to the House impeachment inquiry, but that the delay in hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Ukraine didn’t harm nation...

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @230676,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:34字

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提交时间:2019/10/13 23:46:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
GEORGIA, long a Republican bastion, is suddenly up for grabs—if Democrats decide to make it a fight.

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @228391,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:40字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/11 1:46:00

已有 2人参与翻译 查看详情
编号 原文(新闻速译)
The EU Commission is poised to sue Poland over a disciplinary regime for judges, testing one of the conservative ruling party’s main policies days before a general election it’s poised to win.

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @227427,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:31字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/10/10 4:16:00

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