编号 原文(翻译校对)
Someone with a lot of authority, power, or influence in a group or organization. You'll only get a truthful answer if you manage to talk to the brass hats.

背景说明:英语成语a brass hat 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:52字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/11/10 9:22:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
On a list of other people waiting to do something, obtain something, enter into some place, or go some place. They didn't offer me a spot right away in next year's admissions, but the university said...

背景说明:英语成语on a waiting list 的解释和例句机译,请您帮忙校对并修改。谢谢!

奖励:100译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:78字

状态: 求译中...

提交时间:2020/11/9 18:00:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
I will be releasing the transcript of the first, and therefore more important, phone call with the Ukrainian President before week’s end!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @245414,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:21字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/11/12 20:16:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
Kahzin Daniels believes he can serve as an inspiration for children. The football player, who lost vision in one of his eyes when he was only 5, has been promoted to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' active r...

背景说明:Latest news headline of CNN @243395,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:36字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/11/7 18:46:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
Looking forward to watching @SarahHuckabee Sanders tomorrow morning on @FoxandFriends, by far the rated show on Morning Cable at 8:30am. Sarah will be an incredible addition to @FoxNews!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @202913,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:24字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/9/6 12:21:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
The biggest IPO of 2019 isn't happening after all. Budweiser's Asian unit canned a share sale meant to raise up to $9.8 billion after facing wary investors.

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @173772,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:26字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/15 13:15:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
EU countries need to reach an agreement on a replacement for Christine Lagarde as head of the International Monetary Fund, a French finance ministry official says

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @167918,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:25字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/6 17:45:00

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编号 原文(新闻速译)
Russia breaks days of secrecy and confirms that a research vessel on which a fire broke out that killed 14 sailors is nuclear-powered

背景说明:latest news headline of Bloomberg @167304,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:22字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/7/4 18:15:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
We must end the Opioid Crisis. Do your part today by participating in prescription drug at over 4,000 locations across the Country!

背景说明:latest trump twitter @79190,机译,请您帮忙校对。谢谢!

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:21字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2019/4/28 2:38:00

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编号 原文(翻译校对)
Johannesburg's traffic snarls have made bank workers the targets of thieves looking to steal whatever they can at gunpoint

背景说明:Latest Trump twitter @86225

奖励:10译点 |英语 ->英语 -> 汉语 | 字数:20字

状态: 项目已过期

提交时间:2019/5/8 13:38:00

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