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Without prejudice to section 3 of this appendix, the assessment shall be conducted by auditors independent of the activities for which the assessment is conducted. The auditors shall have the specific...


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提交时间:2012/2/12 13:20:00

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The test having been repeated on a new set of five samples for each point of impact for which it had originally given an unsatisfactory result, the five new tests, performed at the same impact points ...


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提交时间:2011/12/15 12:50:00

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The glassy layer shall remain adhering to the interlayer. One or more partial separation from the interlayer with a distance of less than 6mm in breadth, on either side of the crack, is permitted outs...


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提交时间:2011/12/14 12:45:00

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背景说明:是关于软件外包的 希望高手可以给指点翻译下 不胜感激 谢谢

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提交时间:2011/12/13 21:37:00

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For the purposes of the above regulations, a wooden chip extending across a side of a rectangle shall count as half a chip. The test method used shall be that described in section 2.


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提交时间:2011/12/13 21:29:00

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Toughened glass to be used as windscreen for slow-moving vehicles which, by construction cannot exceed 40 km/h


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提交时间:2011/12/13 20:33:00

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提交时间:2011/12/12 15:29:00

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These resources stand between us and catastrophic starvation on a scale we cannot imagine. In a very real sense, the future of the human race rides on these materials.

背景说明:The late Jack Harlan, world renowned plant collector who wrote the classic "Crops and Man" while Professor of Plant Genetics at University of Illinois at Urbana, has written: "These resources stand between us and catastrophic starvation on a scale we cannot imagine. In a very real sense, the future of the human race rides on these materials. The line between abundance and disaster is becoming thinner and thinner, and the public is unaware and unconcerned. Must we wait for disaster to be real before we are heard? Will people listen only after it is too late."

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提交时间:2012/2/13 9:00:00

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Analytical Expression for the MIMO Channel Capacity*


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提交时间:2011/12/19 10:02:00

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Cloud computing provides a new service consumption and delivery model inspired by Consumer Internet Services. Cloud computing drives down costs and accelerates cost reduction benefit.


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提交时间:2011/12/13 10:14:00

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Baby steps are already made in providing E-Governance services, and it is time for E-Governance to take an elephant leap.


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提交时间:2011/12/8 20:20:00

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ultra light aircraft 1)ul aircraft taurus,s/n 054 t503, with engine rotax 5/n 7078786-29430kg 2)ul aircraft taurus,s/n 055 t 503,with engine rotax s/n 7078787-29970kg

背景说明:此为一个海运提单一程提单 上面 关于商品信息的描述 是关于两个进口飞机的描述

奖励:10译点 | -> -> | 字数:23字

状态: 译文等待客户审核

提交时间:2011/12/7 17:23:00

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