编号 原文(文本翻译)
The system shall be sized to buffer the flow of product and deliver the adequate flow of product in the wetting chamber. The system shall be supplied fully assembled.

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奖励:10译点 | -> -> | 字数:29字

状态: 客户已采纳译文

提交时间:2011/9/19 19:38:00

已有 2人参与翻译 查看详情
编号 原文(文本翻译)
Hence the common remarks of his officers, of the advantages he derived from the councils of war, where hearing all suggestions, he selected what was best and certainly no general ever planned his batt...


奖励:10译点 | -> -> | 字数:36字

状态: 译文等待客户审核

提交时间:2011/9/18 14:20:00

已有 5人参与翻译 查看详情