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I didn’t get on a plane until I was 21. I’d grown up in a small town
in the west of Ireland with the unfortunate moniker ‘Slash City’. Not
the most exotic place in the world. So, when I did start to travel, I
moved a lot.
The reason I could do this was mostly due to the mobile nature of
technical writing and the opportunities gave me to travel. For most of
my twenties I went from one contract to the next. London, Glasgow,
Amsterdam, Berlin, San Francisco, Sacramento, New York… and then Taiwan.
Well almost…
What brought you to China?
In the 90s, Taiwan was hot. Hard to believe today but it had tons of
technical writing work back then. And still does but to a lesser extent.
So I decided to go… but changed plans and went to Beijing instead with
some friends. It just seemed more ‘exotic’ and in the 90s was still not
as explored as today. Since moving there, I’ve worked in Shanghai, Hong
Kong and Beijing. Is the IT industry in China growing rapidly?
It’s exploding especially in the area of mobile devices, ecommerce
(now that credit cards are available) and gaming. Chinese love gaming.
It is also driven by a new middle class who have the funds to make
high-end purchases, e.g. diamond-encrusted mobile phones, and other
status symbols. China is very brand conscious, which partly explains the
demand for fake items.
One of the misconceptions about China is that it’s a communist
country. In reality, there is a very strong class structure and as Deng
said, ‘to be rich is glorious.’
Most of the IT development is located in:
- Shanghai which has a financial hub and is home to Sohu.com and Sina.com. Both listed in the NYSE.
- Dalian where Intel has created the largest ‘fab’ for creating semi-conductors and others devices.
- ShenZhen where RenRen (Chinese Facebook) and QQ (huge gaming sites) have their operations.
Shanghai also has satellite towns dedicated to outsourcing with very modern infrastructures.
Beijing is the admin centre like Washington, DC in the US.
What cultural traits work for and against the Chinese technical writer?
You can look at it from different angles:
- Language: University graduates with English degrees would be far
behind their counterparts in Europe and India. So, quality suffers from
this perspective.
- Communication: Chinese students are brought up to listen and follow,
so having a ‘discussion’ can become difficult as they may withhold
opinions rather than share as it’s not seen to be appropriate. It’s the
opposite of western kids who’ll sprout all type of nonsense, simply to
have an opinion.
- Leadership: One downside is that it can be difficult to gauge the
true status of a project as project managers may, for example, work over
the weekend (with the team) rather than admit they’re behind schedule.
The ‘listen and follow’ mentality can also disallow underlings from
voicing their opinions, i.e. so the team lead doesn’t lose face.
- Innovation: one of the surprises when I moved there was that most
everyone could build their own PC. They were disappointed I couldn’t.
This stems from having to make do with less, so most have learnt how to
find shortcuts and workarounds.
How do Chinese technical writers get training?
Some are English graduates who move into Technical Writing. I don’t
know if any universities on the mainland teach tech comms modules. I
could be wrong. Most learn from:
- Overseas Technical Writers – brought in to build a team and create
writing and publishing guidelines. There are some lucrative
opportunities for Technical Writers who can lead up these projects and
provide the framework for Chinese Technical Writer, especially for US
firms who’ve partnered with local IT firms.
- Online university courses – while not ideal, these courses give them guidelines on what’s required and where they can improve.
Is there a particular style guide writers follow in China?
Not that I’m aware of, though I’ve seen many copies of the Microsoft
Style Guide For Technical Publications in different offices.
Is outsourcing a trend that you see growing or increasing in China?
Manufacturing has taken a hit recently due to increases in salaries
and currency exchange rates. Also, countries like Vietnam are
positioning themselves as better value, i.e. low cost, alternatives to
From an IT perspective, Shenzhen and Shanghai are leading the field.
BusinessWeek believe Shanghai is the No. 2 city for outsourcing
specialties, such as business analytics, finance and accounting, product
development, research and development, and testing. Service Providers
include Accenture, Cognizant, HP, Infosys, Wipro, and Unisys. (See Top Emerging Outsourcing Cities.)
Likewise, ‘…the offshore service outsourcing business that Shenzhen
enterprises undertake has exceeded 5 billion U.S. dollars for the first
time; the contract value has amounted to a record of 5.08 billion U.S.
dollars, which ranks No.1 in the country… other services outsourcing
enterprises such as IBM, Evans, Da Zhan, Peng Kai, Freeborders, and
CS&S are accelerating the expansion of business in Shenzhen’ (Shenzhen Becomes China’s Largest IT Service Outsourcing Base).
What cultural obstacles do you struggle with in working with the Chinese in a tech comm setting?
The perceived value of Technical Writing is very low in China.
What this means is that most local firms will not invest in Technical
Writers and use developers instead. Or get a graduate with an English
degree to write the guides but the end result is less than satisfactory.
Another factor is that in Asia it’s not uncommon for technical
documents to be more focused on diagrams, i.e. images rather than text.
In Japan, I saw some wonderful documents — like the Google Chrome
User Guide — that were mostly illustrations and helped you see what
needed to be done more quickly. So, there may be cultural issues here as
Cost is also an issue.
Most Chinese IT firms are very spartan and cost-conscious, looking
for ways to reduce costs at all times. So, paying for tech docs can be
hard to justify with local firms.
Personally, I worked mostly with US firms that were short of trained
writers on the ground or (occasionally) did bespoke consultancy for a
few Chinese firms, but that was mostly to return favors rather than for
financial reasons.
How long do you plan to stay in China?
We moved back recently so junior can go to high school in Ireland. He learned to read and write mandarin while we there, so it’s time for a different adventure now.
My suggestion to any Technical Writers thinking of going there is to
link up with US firms, e.g. Intel, Microsoft, and IBM, and try to get a
contract. Stay in the larger cities as you’ll be able to get creature
comforts that ease the transition and also find it easier to navigate.
An alternative is to contact Chinese firms that have floated on the
Nasdaq/NYSE and see if they need writers in their local offices. Sina
and Sohu are two of the most prestigious – both based in Shanghai.
Finally, before you move… visit for a few weeks especially off-season
and see if you like the vibe. It’s a great place but you have to take
it on it’s own terms. |